The Fear of The Lord - part 3

Fear is the stepping stone used to find trust in God! With Fear you can find Faith and with Faith you will end up with Trust! God wants you to trust him! Think about it, when you meet someone for the first time , there is that fear or anxiety, which is one of  the definitions of fear. Then after you overcome that fear, you will then be able to have faith in them and from that faith a bond or trust can be created. That applies to pretty much anything we do in life. When God was talking about the Fear of the Lord he wasn't talking about punishment or his wrath like most believers like to think, he meant for us to use it as a place to start, a place to begin our journey into faith, which will end in our trust in him.

With that being said, you can now look back at some of the scriptures and see what God was trying to say.

(Proverbs 9:10)"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding".

What does God say Fear is? The Beginning! It is the start of something, like I  said before, the stepping stone.. to what? Wisdom and knowledge, of who? The Holy One, meaning God of course. With that knowledge and wisdom we can gain an understanding of him, and when you understand someone what happens? you can begin to have faith in their abilities as a person or in this case God. once we understand what God is really trying to do for us and who he really is we can place that faith in him and turn it into trust.

(Proverbs 19:23)"The fear of the Lord leads to life;
then one rests content, untouched by trouble."

Again, what is it that leads to life? The FEAR of the Lord. After you have moved passed that fear you can do what? Rest content untouched by trouble. The only way you can do that is by having faith and trust in someone right? I mean how could you rest content and untouched by any trouble unless you have complete faith and trust in someone. So having absolute faith in God and trusting in him you can rest without being touched by trouble. Wouldn't everyone like to have that ability, to rest knowing that God is going to take care of them no matter what?

(Isaiah 33:6)" He will be the sure foundation for your times,
a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure"

Here we have another example of this, He will be the sure foundation for your times. What is a foundation? it is something you build on, the base where everything starts. What is going to be built on this foundation? A store of Salvation, wisdom and knowledge. In order to get to all of this and open up this store full of treasures you need a key, and God says that "The Fear of the Lord is the KEY to this treasure". Before you can walk into your house, you need a key to open the door, before you can even get into your car and get it started you need a key! The fear of the Lord is the key to all the treasures God has for us, it is the Beginning, where we can get to know him better so we can get to all the riches he has stored up for us, so we can get to our salvation so we can get to that wisdom and knowledge of HIM!

(Proverbs 2:5)"Then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God."

I never knew what that scripture meant until now, to Understand the Fear of the Lord and in doing so I would find the Knowledge of God. I mean what is so hard to understand about fearing the Lord right? either you do what God asks or you will feel his wrath, that was my thinking for so long, my entire life growing up as a kid. Why do so many people turn away from God even when they have spent years in church and even grew up as a Christian? Because they did not completely understand what it means to fear the Lord. Like I said before, some preachers use the Fear of the Lord to put actual FEAR of the Lord into their hearts, but that is not what he wants anymore. The days of the old Testament are gone and done with , they are no more. The Old Testament was written to remind us of all the things that God is saving us from, to show how he has bestowed his mercy on us. How else would we know how blessed we really are if we do not know where we came from or what God has saved us from? People miss that part of the Bible and they say, that we are supposed to be living according to what the old Testament says. Some Preachers and Pastors believe that The Fear of the Lord means " The Wrath of God", but that is not true for us anymore. You mean to tell me that there are no cities today in our present time that are more wicked than Sodom and Gomorrah? Turn on the news and within about an hour of watching you will soon understand the mercy that God has shown us. If we are still living under the same Laws and principles as before then why hasn't God destroyed any of these major cities yet? Why have we not seen fire and brimstone from the sky being rained down anywhere in our world? It is because the Blood of Jesus that God has shown mercy upon us! God wiped all of that away when Jesus Christ died on the cross! We preach it why don't we believe in it!

Read The Fear of The Lord - Part 4 tomorrow
Be sure to read Part 1 & Part 2 as well

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