The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 4

Romans 7:6 (NLT) 6 but now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.

God’s Law Reveals Our Sin

Romans 7:7-11 (NLT): "7 well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.”8 But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that power.9 At one time I lived without understanding the law. But when I learned the command not to covet, for instance, the power of sin came to life, 10 and I died. So I discovered that the law’s commands, which were supposed to bring life, brought spiritual death instead.11 Sin took advantage of those commands and deceived me; it used the commands to kill me."

What is Paul Saying here? If it wasn’t for the Law he wouldn’t have known that he was doing something wrong. That makes sense right? Let us say for example that you are in another country. When I was deployed to Iraq we used to get these super long briefings as soon as we were in country. We would have to sit and pretty much learn all the major Laws and things that are offensive to people in that country. If you don’t know the Laws of the land then how do you know your doing anything wrong? If I went over to Iraq and tried to wave to someone with my left hand or even showed them the Bottom of my shoe, they would take it as me being offensive to them. Women in the military don’t always cover their faces and sometimes during PT sessions they would run in really short shorts. In that Country if their women did something like that they would be breaking a law! That is what Paul is trying to say. Are God's Laws sinful? NO! Are the Laws of the people in Iraq sinful Laws? Not to them they are not.

Paul is saying that if he did not know it was wrong to do something he would not feel so condemned by it. When we "SIN" we are reminded that we are unworthy, and we need redemption. If you read my other Blog "LivingUnder the Blood" you will understand what happens when we start to condemn ourselves. We end up doing like Paul says, giving Sin power over us in our lives. It will take advantage of you and deceive you until it kills you inside and you cant take it anymore! You will become spiritually dead! Do not give sin power in your life! It will try to kill you and bring death upon you and steal your joy!
The Gospel of Jesus came to bring you life!

John 10:10(NKJV): "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"

What is Jesus saying here? Who is the thief? Satan is the thief! What does he do, kill steal and destroy. Not only in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense. How can we have life more abundant than this one? In the spiritual sense, we can have life abundantly even after we Die, we can go to heaven and live with him in our spiritual body! How can Satan take away or steal our spiritual life? With SIN! That is what he brought to Adam and Eve that started it all! He introduced sin into their lives through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When the devil brings that sin in our life, and we allow it to have power over us, over our thoughts and how we feel about ourselves, we allow him to take from us. We allow him to steal our Joy; he will kill us slowly inside, we will feel so bad and think so harshly of ourselves that ultimately it will destroy us! We end up on our knees crying out to God pointing our finger and asking him why he has condemned us or why he has forsaken us again. God is looking at you going " Who told you that you are Condemned. and who told you that I do not love you anymore"? Familiar story right. God told Adam the same thing when he first found sin in his life too.

When Adam & Eve ate the apple they realized they were naked, so they hid. What did God tell Adam?

Genesis 3:11 (NKJV): "And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat"

Was it Satan that told them they were naked? Did Satan go "Hey Adam, uh where’s your pants man, your naked its kind of freaking me out man". Nope, and did the next verse after that say... and then Adam said to God, It was The Devil he told me I wasn’t wearing any pants"? No, it didn’t say that either. So what does that tell us? It tells us that all The Devil has to do is find a way to make us conscience of our sins and we will automatically condemn ourselves! He doesn’t need to stick around and explain to us why we sinned or anything like that; we will do it on our own! That is what it was called the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil. Just having that knowledge makes us condemn ourselves! We cant have bad without good and visa versa. God did not call it the tree of sin, or the tree of the Knowledge of Sin, because all it takes is knowing the difference between good and evil, and we know when we have sinned!

That is why Paul tells us that we have been set free from sin! We are no longer Captive to its powers! Sin can't steal our joy from us any longer; it can't kill or destroy us anymore. Praise God! We can live in peace thanks to the Holy Spirit. We can say, "Father I know I have sinned, and I ask your forgiveness, I place it under the blood of Jesus on the Mercy seat where Jesus Christ now resides, Thank you Jesus, Amen"! Boom and it is gone removed form God's memory, the only one who will ever try to bring it up again to use it against you is the Devil, and if you don’t let those thoughts into your mind then he cant effect you, period! Do not give the Devil power over you, because he has none! He cant make you do anything, his power over you was destroyed the minute you accepted Jesus Christ! Don’t give him the time of day, ignore him every chance you get. Don’t even give him the satisfaction of binding and rebuking him, just walk away and know that you are forgiven!

What do you mean ignore him? Here is this great example I learned from Pastor Prince. A bunch of construction workers were sitting outside on their lunch break, and watching beautiful women walk by. They would whistle at them and do little cat calls trying to get a rise out of them. Some women would get upset and start yelling at them condemning them and telling them all these things making a big scene, but others would walk by totally ignoring these men. Now which one of these women do you think kept their dignity? The ones making a big scene wailing their arms in the air yelling at them drawing attention to themselves or the women who just kept walking not even giving them the time of day? You tell me.

It is the same thing with The Devil, we can either give him the time of day in our lives and acknowledge him, by yelling at him trying to rebuke him, or we can just ignore him and keep on walking with God. He has no power so why do we give it to him?

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