The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 6

In Conclusion:

God’s laws were brought to us to convict us of our sins, but the Holy Spirit was brought to us in its place to confirm in us of our own righteousness in Jesus Christ. We do not have to do good to get good. Jesus Christ did not have to sin to become SIN! He became sin so that we could become righteousness through him! The moment he became sin on the cross, we became righteousness through Him. So if Jesus did not have to do sin to become sin, what makes you think you have to do righteousness to become righteousness? It is called Grace [Unmerited Favor] from God, and it is all yours free of charge. That is what being a true Christian is all about; knowing that we are forgiven no matter what and we do not have to DO anything to receive the blessings of God. Amen

Becoming a Christian is the easiest thing you will ever do in your life, I was wrong in thinking that the life of a Christian is Hard and for even telling others how hard it is. I ask God to forgive me of that mistake. I thank him for this awesome new Revelation he has shown me, the power it has to change the lives of those who read it like it did mine. I would much rather be a Christian knowing that I am going to make mistakes and that I am going to stumble and fall, but my Father in heaven will always be there to catch me, to lift me up and put me back on my feet. He will always be there to tell me "Its okay my son, I still love you"! I would much rather live my life under the Unmerited Favor and Mercy of Jesus Christ than live without him and allow the devil to remind me every single day of what a horrible person I am or that I am a loser who will always mess up and make mistakes, that I will never amount to anything, and that I was a mistake to ever be born! Satan is a Liar and a thief; he will not have my Peace or my Joy. I am a winner and a child of God who can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Amen!

If you have read this message today and have not received Jesus Christ yet, don’t wait any longer. Become free of that conviction in your mind! Do not let the devil tell you that you are not good enough or that God will not love you because of what you have done or the life you have lived. Those are lies, Jesus wants to live in your heart and help to replace those hurts you have been having, that gap that you fill. You may be thinking that there is something missing in your life, you have money, cars, a house all the material things of this world and yet you still feel like something is missing. My friend that is the Love of Jesus Christ that your spirit is crying out for! You deserve only the best! God wants to bless you with more than you can handle! It doesn’t matter what religion you are coming from, what crimes you have committed or addictions you may have. The blood of Jesus can wash all of that away from you and make you a wonderful NEW CREATION!

You are just one click away from feeling a love you have never felt before in your entire life, a peace that you have never had before and a relationship you have been missing out on your whole life! Pray the prayer of salvation right now and accept Jesus into your heart. “Prayer of Salvation”

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