The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 1

 People now adays are all about what can you do for me and what have you done for me lately! With that mentality people always look at Christianity as a burden then as a blessing. They see being a Christian as something you have to do day in and day out. How truly wrong that is! I used to think the same things, "Man this is really hard, it may just be easier not to be a Christian". It seemed like everything I did, I was being judged by God! I couldn't go a day without making some sort of mistake. I even told my wife when she got saved, "Now I am just letting you know right now, this is not going to be easy, it is going to be very difficult and it is going to get worse before it gets better." Wow, what a horrible revelation to bring to my wife after becoming a Christian!

I mean who wants to get excited to do something when someone tells you something like that. I could only imagine what was going through her head the moment I had said those words. "Oh great more challenges and difficulties in my life I don't need"! I was taking the wind from beneath her wings I keeping the Wind from blowing right into her sails as she set sail for her amazing new adventure as a Christian believer in Christ.

Truth is... that is the way I was brought up to think. I was always told that "If it was easy then everyone would be saved"! Just thinking about all this is making me shake my head, I mean this whole time I was learning Christianity the wrong way! My Entire Life was one big Giant OOPS! That is not to say that my life was not good up until this point or that I regret everything in my life, because I don't regret anything. Every challenge to me or set back or so called failure is an opportunity to learn from. If you don't believe me ask my friends, most of them can’t even believe how I am still the way I am after all I have been through in my life!

If not for all those mistakes, Failures or experiences in my life than I would not be the man that I am today. Although I am not perfect, I am happy with the man I have become. My wife tells everyone how amazing I am and how blessed she is to have a man like me in her life! She blasts it all over Facebook ha-ha. I am flattered and blessed myself that my wife is so happy to have me in her life.

When I got saved I was very young, I grew up most of my life in the church surrounded by Christians. I did not really know anything else, except for what I was being taught. The sad thing is, everything I was being taught turned out to be a misunderstanding of God's word for us as believers today!

The one thing I do know is that the whole time I was being raised in these churches, I always had this thought in the back of my head that said "Something is missing", "we are not getting something here". I even had a revelation when my Aunts were praying for me in my living room when I was having trouble getting along with my own father. They asked me to tell them what the Holy Spirit was telling me in my heart. I responded “I am going to do something that this world has not scene before" That wasn't the answer they were looking for, but that was not the answer for them it was for me! Afterwards the Holy Spirit had given me revelations of forgiveness towards my father and allowed me to 
forgive him so our relationship could grow. For the first time in over 20 years my father and I had a real relationship.
I started to think that, my attitude towards the Church and Christianity was a rebellious one that it was not what God had wanted, that I was being a rebel trying to go against what God was saying. Turns out in a way, I was, but not towards God but what man was saying about God! I ended up taking it the wrong way entirely though, and did what a lot of people try to do; I twisted the bible's words to make sense about the way I was living my life. I was even teaching this to my own wife! Thank God he finally got a hold of me and shook the Jesus out in me again lol.

The problem I had is the same problem most Christians have. Things just don’t make any sense! It doesn’t make sense when you do like Pastor Prince says; take the Text out of Context! When you take text out of context you get CON! I was being conned out of God's true word. Preachers are picking and choosing things in the bible they want to use! WE can’t do that!!

The bible is not some a la carte two dollar meal deal that we can just take out the Good parts and leave the bad. NO, we have to read what God is telling us! Not what we THINK God is telling us but what HE is actually saying. "Well how can you do that, we can’t take the bible literally or else we would have to pull out our eye or cut off our hand right"? Wrong! When God tells us to cut off our hands if they make us sin, he is telling you that it is better to take out whatever is in your life that is causing you to sin! Some countries still do cut off your hands and body parts when you are caught stealing and things.

So what am I trying to say? That Christianity is bad and we should just try and come up with another religion to go along with the other hundreds of thousands that are out there. Nope. I am saying that if we look at the way God intended us to live as Christians you will see that it is sooo much easier to be saved than to not be saved. "Well what about the whole, if it was easy everyone would be saved, that makes sense right". Wrong, it IS easy and everyone CAN be saved!


  1. What an awesome Revelation. Its so true and it is worth it to be on the right side of God. we all make mistakes only he is perfect however we can walk with disernment and try to be better people any way. God Bless you and your family

  2. One of my favorite quotes from a non-fiction book, other than the Bible, is from The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons. Gabe wrote, "God's holiness did not prevent Him from entering our messy depravity; it provoked Him to show up." If I'm on track with what you are saying here, I think you would really enjoy that book. The truth is, it's all about Him--the way He wants to live in us and us in Him-- and not any shabby goodness of our flesh that we might try to put on.

  3. Salvation is easy, our debt was paid in full by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, we have to decide to accept it or not. The word of God is true and filled with great lessons for us even the not so nice things like the sin in our life, but remember that God is holy and until we deal with the sin in our life we can't have a real relationship with him

  4. Amen! God's grace extended to us through Christ's sacrifice is ours for the taking-that's easy, just accept the gift. But, the walk-now that gets tough. But, praise God, equipped with the Holy Spirit we are more than conquerers! Great blog full of insight. God bless.

  5. So good to read your blog - thank you for sharing it with everyone - we MUST give 100% to God - if we don't then in fact we haven't given Him anything.
    God bless you in your writings

  6. I am happy to read some of your blog. I think the real christians who shoul follow Jesus and the original Bible.

  7. Amen and Amen! The Joy of Salvation is really the Christian life-full of love and compassion, justified by the beautiful working hands of the Holy Spirit! Only the Holy Spirit can nurture this joy and even though people say it is hard, it's time Christian receive positive faith like this that He will carry us through with His Joy in our daily lives! Because He lives, we face our today and tomorrows!

  8. Get in The Kingdom is FREE, stay in it costs you WHOLE LIFE ... From a twitter follower! ;)
