The Christian / The Hypocrite - part. 2

My Pastor at my home church did a sermon not too long ago about how the road to hell is paved with "Good Intentions". That one hit me straight in the heart like a Mac truck! He talked about how, when people try to do so much good to get to heaven or they try and go their own way to get to God. Although they had good intentions, they ended up in hell with everyone else who has deer in the headlights look on their faces, going "what happened I thought we were doing GOOD"! He talked about Nadab and Abihu. If you don’t know who these two guys are, they are the sons of Aaron. Aaron is Moses' brother and the High Priest of Israel that God ordained to be able to enter the holy of holies.

So here you have 2 young men whose father is the highest priest in all of Israel, the one who spoke to Pharaoh for his brother Moses (who couldn’t handle the pressure of speaking in front of a crowd) in Egypt. These young men knew all about God and got the best preacher they could possibly have as their father, yet they end up dying in a Huge Flame of Fire from God! Wow!

Leviticus 10:1(NKJV) :"Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu put coals of fire in their incense burners and sprinkled incense over them. In this way, they disobeyed the LORD by burning before him the wrong kind of fire, different than he had commanded."

These two men were not Evil men, they were not trying to sabotage anything, or bring down the tabernacle or do anything like that. They had "Good Intentions" the whole time, and I am sure their hearts were in the right places when they were doing this, but it says clear as day, "...they disobeyed the LORD by burning before him the wrong kind of fire, different than he had commanded." Praise God we don't live under the Law anymore because most of us would be crispy nuggets right about now! Most people would say to themselves "why would God do that to Aaron's son?" What does the scripture tell us? They disobeyed the LORD! Simple as that, just because they were trying something new, or because they thought they were doing a good Job does not in any way make it Okay in God's Eyes... Disobedience is Disobedience, and that is that.

That is what he meant by saying that the road to hell is paved with "Good Intentions". They meant nothing but good from what they were doing but the results ended badly for them. When we try to interpret the bible in our own way, Like Aaron's sons tried to burn their coals in their own way separate from what God has intended, we get BURNED! Trying to take God's word and make it our own, or even create our own religion form it that only uses the "Good Parts" of the bible is WRONG! It will end in nothing but suffering for us. We might think we are doing something good or we are teaching others good but we are hurting them, we are robbing them of the blessings from God!

If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, no matter what your current religion is or even if you don’t have one, you know at least one thing; If you do Bad you get Bad and if you Do Good you get Good. The whole world knows that right!? I mean even people with no religious background at all know that. What is the famous word that people even Christians try and use today? Karma!

Karma is not something that should ever be used by Christian believers, period! There is no such thing, I am sorry to tell you but it does not exist, yes I know you want it to exist because you think that if you continue to do good for others you will receive Good back. You’re saying to yourself "Well there is nothing wrong with Karma, so why should I listen to you, who are you to tell me that there is no "Karma" in this world" As a Christian Karma is not something God allows us to have. If you are Hindu, Buddhist it is what your entire life revolves around. What is funny to me is that people use it every day not even knowing the true meaning of the word. Originally it was not what we think it is today. Karma is the result of what you get as the result of a past life! It has nothing to do with present day; it does not mean that if you do good to one person today, later down the road you will get good returned to you! If you take Karma for what it really is, you would know that you will not see the results of your labor until after you die and are reincarnated!

So in the sense that we view Karma today, it DOES NOT EXIST! If you are a Buddhist or a Hindu, you know that Karma is not what we think it is today. But what happens? People take a word that is completely out of context and they get what? CONNED! We have been getting conned out of God's blessings just by this one word alone! Even if we try and use it the way people use it today, a way they think makes sense, we are still getting robbed! Why? Because what is the Worlds definition of Karma today? If you do bad things to people then you will have bad things coming back your way. The same goes for Good things. Of Course people want to believe in something like this, it gives them hope, and it helps them deal with things. They think, "Well if I keep doing good things for people, then good things will happen to me" What's wrong with thinking like that right? I mean come on man, if everyone thought that way this world would be a better place right? Then boom, all of a sudden a new religion begins, with what "Good Intentions".

Karma creates "Good Intentions" in us as believers, but what does that mean for God. What is God's roll in Karma? God doesn't really have a roll does he? Do we really leave him a choice when we believe with that mentality? God's hands are tied; he can do nothing for us if we think that our "Good Intentions" are going to get us into heaven. If you read my blog series "Living Under The Blood" you will see what good works really do for you when you put them before God.

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