The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 1

 People now adays are all about what can you do for me and what have you done for me lately! With that mentality people always look at Christianity as a burden then as a blessing. They see being a Christian as something you have to do day in and day out. How truly wrong that is! I used to think the same things, "Man this is really hard, it may just be easier not to be a Christian". It seemed like everything I did, I was being judged by God! I couldn't go a day without making some sort of mistake. I even told my wife when she got saved, "Now I am just letting you know right now, this is not going to be easy, it is going to be very difficult and it is going to get worse before it gets better." Wow, what a horrible revelation to bring to my wife after becoming a Christian!

I mean who wants to get excited to do something when someone tells you something like that. I could only imagine what was going through her head the moment I had said those words. "Oh great more challenges and difficulties in my life I don't need"! I was taking the wind from beneath her wings I keeping the Wind from blowing right into her sails as she set sail for her amazing new adventure as a Christian believer in Christ.

Truth is... that is the way I was brought up to think. I was always told that "If it was easy then everyone would be saved"! Just thinking about all this is making me shake my head, I mean this whole time I was learning Christianity the wrong way! My Entire Life was one big Giant OOPS! That is not to say that my life was not good up until this point or that I regret everything in my life, because I don't regret anything. Every challenge to me or set back or so called failure is an opportunity to learn from. If you don't believe me ask my friends, most of them can’t even believe how I am still the way I am after all I have been through in my life!

If not for all those mistakes, Failures or experiences in my life than I would not be the man that I am today. Although I am not perfect, I am happy with the man I have become. My wife tells everyone how amazing I am and how blessed she is to have a man like me in her life! She blasts it all over Facebook ha-ha. I am flattered and blessed myself that my wife is so happy to have me in her life.

When I got saved I was very young, I grew up most of my life in the church surrounded by Christians. I did not really know anything else, except for what I was being taught. The sad thing is, everything I was being taught turned out to be a misunderstanding of God's word for us as believers today!

The one thing I do know is that the whole time I was being raised in these churches, I always had this thought in the back of my head that said "Something is missing", "we are not getting something here". I even had a revelation when my Aunts were praying for me in my living room when I was having trouble getting along with my own father. They asked me to tell them what the Holy Spirit was telling me in my heart. I responded “I am going to do something that this world has not scene before" That wasn't the answer they were looking for, but that was not the answer for them it was for me! Afterwards the Holy Spirit had given me revelations of forgiveness towards my father and allowed me to 
forgive him so our relationship could grow. For the first time in over 20 years my father and I had a real relationship.
I started to think that, my attitude towards the Church and Christianity was a rebellious one that it was not what God had wanted, that I was being a rebel trying to go against what God was saying. Turns out in a way, I was, but not towards God but what man was saying about God! I ended up taking it the wrong way entirely though, and did what a lot of people try to do; I twisted the bible's words to make sense about the way I was living my life. I was even teaching this to my own wife! Thank God he finally got a hold of me and shook the Jesus out in me again lol.

The problem I had is the same problem most Christians have. Things just don’t make any sense! It doesn’t make sense when you do like Pastor Prince says; take the Text out of Context! When you take text out of context you get CON! I was being conned out of God's true word. Preachers are picking and choosing things in the bible they want to use! WE can’t do that!!

The bible is not some a la carte two dollar meal deal that we can just take out the Good parts and leave the bad. NO, we have to read what God is telling us! Not what we THINK God is telling us but what HE is actually saying. "Well how can you do that, we can’t take the bible literally or else we would have to pull out our eye or cut off our hand right"? Wrong! When God tells us to cut off our hands if they make us sin, he is telling you that it is better to take out whatever is in your life that is causing you to sin! Some countries still do cut off your hands and body parts when you are caught stealing and things.

So what am I trying to say? That Christianity is bad and we should just try and come up with another religion to go along with the other hundreds of thousands that are out there. Nope. I am saying that if we look at the way God intended us to live as Christians you will see that it is sooo much easier to be saved than to not be saved. "Well what about the whole, if it was easy everyone would be saved, that makes sense right". Wrong, it IS easy and everyone CAN be saved!

The Christian / The Hypocrite - part. 2

My Pastor at my home church did a sermon not too long ago about how the road to hell is paved with "Good Intentions". That one hit me straight in the heart like a Mac truck! He talked about how, when people try to do so much good to get to heaven or they try and go their own way to get to God. Although they had good intentions, they ended up in hell with everyone else who has deer in the headlights look on their faces, going "what happened I thought we were doing GOOD"! He talked about Nadab and Abihu. If you don’t know who these two guys are, they are the sons of Aaron. Aaron is Moses' brother and the High Priest of Israel that God ordained to be able to enter the holy of holies.

So here you have 2 young men whose father is the highest priest in all of Israel, the one who spoke to Pharaoh for his brother Moses (who couldn’t handle the pressure of speaking in front of a crowd) in Egypt. These young men knew all about God and got the best preacher they could possibly have as their father, yet they end up dying in a Huge Flame of Fire from God! Wow!

Leviticus 10:1(NKJV) :"Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu put coals of fire in their incense burners and sprinkled incense over them. In this way, they disobeyed the LORD by burning before him the wrong kind of fire, different than he had commanded."

These two men were not Evil men, they were not trying to sabotage anything, or bring down the tabernacle or do anything like that. They had "Good Intentions" the whole time, and I am sure their hearts were in the right places when they were doing this, but it says clear as day, "...they disobeyed the LORD by burning before him the wrong kind of fire, different than he had commanded." Praise God we don't live under the Law anymore because most of us would be crispy nuggets right about now! Most people would say to themselves "why would God do that to Aaron's son?" What does the scripture tell us? They disobeyed the LORD! Simple as that, just because they were trying something new, or because they thought they were doing a good Job does not in any way make it Okay in God's Eyes... Disobedience is Disobedience, and that is that.

That is what he meant by saying that the road to hell is paved with "Good Intentions". They meant nothing but good from what they were doing but the results ended badly for them. When we try to interpret the bible in our own way, Like Aaron's sons tried to burn their coals in their own way separate from what God has intended, we get BURNED! Trying to take God's word and make it our own, or even create our own religion form it that only uses the "Good Parts" of the bible is WRONG! It will end in nothing but suffering for us. We might think we are doing something good or we are teaching others good but we are hurting them, we are robbing them of the blessings from God!

If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, no matter what your current religion is or even if you don’t have one, you know at least one thing; If you do Bad you get Bad and if you Do Good you get Good. The whole world knows that right!? I mean even people with no religious background at all know that. What is the famous word that people even Christians try and use today? Karma!

Karma is not something that should ever be used by Christian believers, period! There is no such thing, I am sorry to tell you but it does not exist, yes I know you want it to exist because you think that if you continue to do good for others you will receive Good back. You’re saying to yourself "Well there is nothing wrong with Karma, so why should I listen to you, who are you to tell me that there is no "Karma" in this world" As a Christian Karma is not something God allows us to have. If you are Hindu, Buddhist it is what your entire life revolves around. What is funny to me is that people use it every day not even knowing the true meaning of the word. Originally it was not what we think it is today. Karma is the result of what you get as the result of a past life! It has nothing to do with present day; it does not mean that if you do good to one person today, later down the road you will get good returned to you! If you take Karma for what it really is, you would know that you will not see the results of your labor until after you die and are reincarnated!

So in the sense that we view Karma today, it DOES NOT EXIST! If you are a Buddhist or a Hindu, you know that Karma is not what we think it is today. But what happens? People take a word that is completely out of context and they get what? CONNED! We have been getting conned out of God's blessings just by this one word alone! Even if we try and use it the way people use it today, a way they think makes sense, we are still getting robbed! Why? Because what is the Worlds definition of Karma today? If you do bad things to people then you will have bad things coming back your way. The same goes for Good things. Of Course people want to believe in something like this, it gives them hope, and it helps them deal with things. They think, "Well if I keep doing good things for people, then good things will happen to me" What's wrong with thinking like that right? I mean come on man, if everyone thought that way this world would be a better place right? Then boom, all of a sudden a new religion begins, with what "Good Intentions".

Karma creates "Good Intentions" in us as believers, but what does that mean for God. What is God's roll in Karma? God doesn't really have a roll does he? Do we really leave him a choice when we believe with that mentality? God's hands are tied; he can do nothing for us if we think that our "Good Intentions" are going to get us into heaven. If you read my blog series "Living Under The Blood" you will see what good works really do for you when you put them before God.

The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 3

Matthew 7:22-23 (NLT)
"On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name. 23; "But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’"

This goes back to what I have been saying, in my other blog series. If you live under the law you live under Judgment! Matthew is a New Testament book, written towards us New Testament believers! So you might be saying well look at what God said; I never knew you, get away form me, you who break God's Laws! That scripture is geared towards the unbelievers! The ones who would not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! They tried to live by the Laws, by God's Commandments! We cant enter to heaven that way anymore! God does not allow it, because he would have to overlook the death of his Own SON! He would have to say: I know I gave my son to die for you but you can go on ahead because you did such a great job, High Five!" NOO! This scripture is Jesus talking to the unbeliever, everyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ is bound to the Laws written on stone. The stone tablets were created to condemn every single person, to remind them that they are not worthy and should be destroyed. No man on this earth except for Jesus Christ will ever be able to uphold the written Laws. There is a reason for that, and God said that even if you break on, you have broken them all! The reason he made them impossible to keep was so that they would come back to him and atone for their sins. We needed to be reminded who God is and condemn ourselves under the Law.

So let’s go back to the beginning of that scripture, and say hmmm how is it that they prophesied in his name, performed miracles and even cast out demons, are they still destined for hell? Because of the LAW! God created the Law to make us conscience of our own sins. He created the law, because man wanted him to, they begged him for it. When Moses was in the desert, the Israelite's begged him to talk to God about creating some kind of rules for them to live by. They were filled with pride because they told God we can keep all your laws. When God gave them to Moses it caused the death of 3,000 people! Let me show you.

Exodus 32:28 (NKJV):So the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses. And about three thousand men of the people fell that day.

So on the day God created the Law, 3,000 people had to be killed due to their Idolatry. They had sinned against God according to the new law that had just been written. So mosses told all who were with God to slay all those who were against him. That is why the Apostle Paul calls the Law, "The ministry of death" in his 2nd letter to the Church of Corinth. He also calls it the ministry of condemnation!

2 Corinthians 3:7-9 (NKJV) 7 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.

Wow that is some powerful stuff! So now we know that the Law certainly leads to death. There is no way around it because we are not capable of upholding the Laws God had created for us! We can try with all the goodness of our heart to do good things and bless others or do good works, but in the end it is the Law that will bind us to our sin forever. It will remind us every day of the Fact that we are not worthy to be in God's presence, that we do not deserve good in our lives! Good intentions will still get you a one way ticket to hell! I don’t care how much Good Karma you think you have, it will not save you. Remove that word from your vocabulary, do not let it enter your life, it will just give you false hope and allow you to trust in your own "good works" rather than the Grace and Mercy God has already given you!

So what do the new Gospel and the New Covenant teaching bring to the table? LIFE!! The exact opposite of the law! Jesus Christ came to give us Life! He came to free us from the Laws that were written, that in the end resulted in the death of thousands of people. Let us take a look at what happens when the new covenant is brought in. When Jesus died on the cross he left us something. What did he leave to us? The Holy Spirit!

In Acts chapter 2 it talks about the Holy Spirit coming to the people of Israel. When the spirit hit them they all began speaking in tongues. This is one of the many wonderful side effects of being filled with the Holy Spirit; you get to communicate with GOD through his spirit! This is what happens when you receive Jesus Christ; you get filled and baptized in the Holy Spirit!
So let us read on in Acts, to see what happened when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Now remember, when the Law was brought to them, 3,000 died.

Acts 2:40-42 (NKJV): "40 and with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, be saved from this perverse generation.41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.”

Wow! How amazing is that, praise God! 3,000 were ADDED to them! Hallelujah! The Law came; boom 3k dead, Jesus Dies and boom 3k are added! So you tell me the difference between the two? The Law brought death that is why Paul calls it the ministry of Death! When Jesus dies and the Holy Spirit comes, he brought what? LIFE! Jesus came so that we may have life! Not death!

The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 4

Romans 7:6 (NLT) 6 but now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.

God’s Law Reveals Our Sin

Romans 7:7-11 (NLT): "7 well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.”8 But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that power.9 At one time I lived without understanding the law. But when I learned the command not to covet, for instance, the power of sin came to life, 10 and I died. So I discovered that the law’s commands, which were supposed to bring life, brought spiritual death instead.11 Sin took advantage of those commands and deceived me; it used the commands to kill me."

What is Paul Saying here? If it wasn’t for the Law he wouldn’t have known that he was doing something wrong. That makes sense right? Let us say for example that you are in another country. When I was deployed to Iraq we used to get these super long briefings as soon as we were in country. We would have to sit and pretty much learn all the major Laws and things that are offensive to people in that country. If you don’t know the Laws of the land then how do you know your doing anything wrong? If I went over to Iraq and tried to wave to someone with my left hand or even showed them the Bottom of my shoe, they would take it as me being offensive to them. Women in the military don’t always cover their faces and sometimes during PT sessions they would run in really short shorts. In that Country if their women did something like that they would be breaking a law! That is what Paul is trying to say. Are God's Laws sinful? NO! Are the Laws of the people in Iraq sinful Laws? Not to them they are not.

Paul is saying that if he did not know it was wrong to do something he would not feel so condemned by it. When we "SIN" we are reminded that we are unworthy, and we need redemption. If you read my other Blog "LivingUnder the Blood" you will understand what happens when we start to condemn ourselves. We end up doing like Paul says, giving Sin power over us in our lives. It will take advantage of you and deceive you until it kills you inside and you cant take it anymore! You will become spiritually dead! Do not give sin power in your life! It will try to kill you and bring death upon you and steal your joy!
The Gospel of Jesus came to bring you life!

John 10:10(NKJV): "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"

What is Jesus saying here? Who is the thief? Satan is the thief! What does he do, kill steal and destroy. Not only in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense. How can we have life more abundant than this one? In the spiritual sense, we can have life abundantly even after we Die, we can go to heaven and live with him in our spiritual body! How can Satan take away or steal our spiritual life? With SIN! That is what he brought to Adam and Eve that started it all! He introduced sin into their lives through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When the devil brings that sin in our life, and we allow it to have power over us, over our thoughts and how we feel about ourselves, we allow him to take from us. We allow him to steal our Joy; he will kill us slowly inside, we will feel so bad and think so harshly of ourselves that ultimately it will destroy us! We end up on our knees crying out to God pointing our finger and asking him why he has condemned us or why he has forsaken us again. God is looking at you going " Who told you that you are Condemned. and who told you that I do not love you anymore"? Familiar story right. God told Adam the same thing when he first found sin in his life too.

When Adam & Eve ate the apple they realized they were naked, so they hid. What did God tell Adam?

Genesis 3:11 (NKJV): "And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat"

Was it Satan that told them they were naked? Did Satan go "Hey Adam, uh where’s your pants man, your naked its kind of freaking me out man". Nope, and did the next verse after that say... and then Adam said to God, It was The Devil he told me I wasn’t wearing any pants"? No, it didn’t say that either. So what does that tell us? It tells us that all The Devil has to do is find a way to make us conscience of our sins and we will automatically condemn ourselves! He doesn’t need to stick around and explain to us why we sinned or anything like that; we will do it on our own! That is what it was called the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil. Just having that knowledge makes us condemn ourselves! We cant have bad without good and visa versa. God did not call it the tree of sin, or the tree of the Knowledge of Sin, because all it takes is knowing the difference between good and evil, and we know when we have sinned!

That is why Paul tells us that we have been set free from sin! We are no longer Captive to its powers! Sin can't steal our joy from us any longer; it can't kill or destroy us anymore. Praise God! We can live in peace thanks to the Holy Spirit. We can say, "Father I know I have sinned, and I ask your forgiveness, I place it under the blood of Jesus on the Mercy seat where Jesus Christ now resides, Thank you Jesus, Amen"! Boom and it is gone removed form God's memory, the only one who will ever try to bring it up again to use it against you is the Devil, and if you don’t let those thoughts into your mind then he cant effect you, period! Do not give the Devil power over you, because he has none! He cant make you do anything, his power over you was destroyed the minute you accepted Jesus Christ! Don’t give him the time of day, ignore him every chance you get. Don’t even give him the satisfaction of binding and rebuking him, just walk away and know that you are forgiven!

What do you mean ignore him? Here is this great example I learned from Pastor Prince. A bunch of construction workers were sitting outside on their lunch break, and watching beautiful women walk by. They would whistle at them and do little cat calls trying to get a rise out of them. Some women would get upset and start yelling at them condemning them and telling them all these things making a big scene, but others would walk by totally ignoring these men. Now which one of these women do you think kept their dignity? The ones making a big scene wailing their arms in the air yelling at them drawing attention to themselves or the women who just kept walking not even giving them the time of day? You tell me.

It is the same thing with The Devil, we can either give him the time of day in our lives and acknowledge him, by yelling at him trying to rebuke him, or we can just ignore him and keep on walking with God. He has no power so why do we give it to him?

The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 5

So what have we learned about Christianity today? Like I said before, people view Christians as hypocrites, right off the bat! Some Christians don't even call themselves Christians anymore for fear that someone wont even listen to what they have to say. It is like walking into a Bar with alcohol on your breath saying, "I am a recovering alcoholic", and then trying to tell everyone how much better it is not to drink because it could lead to death. When we walk up as Christians to non-believers we reek of SIN! Then what do we do? We try to use the Law to judge them when we ourselves know we can not live up to the Law! That doesn’t make any sense! The Law will not only condemn them but you as a believer! Our Goal as Christians is not to bring judgment to others or make them feel like they are sinners, they already know they are!

We are to share the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We are to let people know that, yes you have sinned against God and so have I! Let them know that there is a way out from their condemnation, that they don’t have to be reminded of their sins, that they are not perfect and it is okay! God knows they are going to make mistakes and that our sins have been forgiven, Past Present and Future! Once we receive salvation we can never lose it again! It does not matter how many times we sin, or what sin we have committed, we will always be forgiven thanks to the Grace [Unmerited Favor] of God! There is nothing we can do; there is no works that can be done to redeem us! All have fallen short of the Glory of God. We just have to receive Jesus Christ into our own lives, Accept him as our Lord and Savior! Then we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow God to start blessing us with his awesome unmerited Favor! He wants to bless us no matter what we do! That is the wonderful advantage of being a Christian! No matter what you have done, you are forgiven, no matter what you will do, you are forgiven! Christianity is about bringing Life to those who don’t have it!

WE [Christians] are not to bring judgment and condemnation, because we are not worthy of that, we ourselves should have been condemned to the pits of hell, but God gave his only son Jesus Christ. If Jesus did not come to condemn man then who do we think we are to condemn man?

 John3:16-17(NKJV):"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved"

We as Christians are just supposed to help guide people in the right direction. I see people out on the streets all the time who call themselves Christians and they have big signs up, and big screens with God’s word written all over it, telling people that they are going to hell if they don’t repent of their sins. They are telling people that the way they live their lives is wrong and God is going to punish them for it! I never see anybody lined up saying “yah sign me up for some fresh punishment from God”! whoo hoo lets do this! I just shake my head thinking “who does this guy think he is? Jesus?” Let me ask you this, did Jesus stand on a soap box in downtown Jerusalem shouting at everyone that passed by trying to get his message across to people? 

NO! If Jesus did not do it, why are we doing it? I have never in my entire life seen someone get saved because they lost an argument to someone like that. All I ever see when something like that happens is believers arguing with one another, trying to convince each other who is right and who is wrong. They are both wrong! While they are making fools of themselves, other non believers are just reconfirming their own ideas about Christianity. The wonderful children of God that try to go out with their big Sings protesting against Homosexuality, and abortion. What did Jesus do about stuff like that, did he run around yelling at prostitutes and homosexuals telling them that his father in heaven is going to burn them to the ground? No way! Jesus did not care if you were an adulterer, a fornicator, a prostitute, a homosexual, a murderer or even a thief! He came to let everyone know that they have been forgiven and through him they will become righteousness in God’s eyes, he will not see their sin anymore he will see Jesus’ blood! Let me give you a couple examples of what Jesus does when it comes to sinners.

John 8:3-11 (NKJV) “Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst,4 they said to Him, Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to themHe who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.9 Then those who heard itbeing convicted by their conscience [The Law], went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her,Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?11 She said, No one, Lord. And Jesus said to herNeither do I condemn you (emphasis mine); go and sin no more.

That is interesting isn’t it? Jesus was the only person in that entire place who could cast a stone at her to condemn the woman for sinning, but he did not! The scribes and Pharisees wanted to but could not! So, Jesus could but he would not, and the Pharisees would but they could not! How awesome is that, it works the same way for us too, Jesus did not come to condemn us so we can not condemn others! Don’t do it, it is not our place in this world to condemn people or convict them of their sins. The law will do that all by itself and that is why non believers know they are sinners; we do not need to remind them of it! We are to be a blessing to them, and free them of the law of conviction! We are to let them know that Jesus is here to redeem you of your sins and bring upon you is wonderful Spirit to remind you that you are righteous! 

Another example of how easy it is to become a Christian and receive God’s blessings no matter what you have done. In the next scripture two criminals who have committed crimes are being punished and are hanging on a cross next to Jesus. If you read the chapter from the beginning you will know that they mocked him saying things like “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us! One of the criminals realized that Jesus was who he said he was. This is what happened:

Luke 23:42-43 (NKJV): 42 Then he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.43 And Jesus said to himAssuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.

Now did Jesus say to him, NO, You are a criminal and you need to be punished first, so you know that what you have done is wrong! Did Jesus tell him that he was to first confess all of his sins and then discuss them with God or did he sit there like most Christians would do and remind him of the ten commandments to find out which one he broke in order to show him why he is going to hell? Nope. How awesome is that!

The Christian / The Hypocrite - part 6

In Conclusion:

God’s laws were brought to us to convict us of our sins, but the Holy Spirit was brought to us in its place to confirm in us of our own righteousness in Jesus Christ. We do not have to do good to get good. Jesus Christ did not have to sin to become SIN! He became sin so that we could become righteousness through him! The moment he became sin on the cross, we became righteousness through Him. So if Jesus did not have to do sin to become sin, what makes you think you have to do righteousness to become righteousness? It is called Grace [Unmerited Favor] from God, and it is all yours free of charge. That is what being a true Christian is all about; knowing that we are forgiven no matter what and we do not have to DO anything to receive the blessings of God. Amen

Becoming a Christian is the easiest thing you will ever do in your life, I was wrong in thinking that the life of a Christian is Hard and for even telling others how hard it is. I ask God to forgive me of that mistake. I thank him for this awesome new Revelation he has shown me, the power it has to change the lives of those who read it like it did mine. I would much rather be a Christian knowing that I am going to make mistakes and that I am going to stumble and fall, but my Father in heaven will always be there to catch me, to lift me up and put me back on my feet. He will always be there to tell me "Its okay my son, I still love you"! I would much rather live my life under the Unmerited Favor and Mercy of Jesus Christ than live without him and allow the devil to remind me every single day of what a horrible person I am or that I am a loser who will always mess up and make mistakes, that I will never amount to anything, and that I was a mistake to ever be born! Satan is a Liar and a thief; he will not have my Peace or my Joy. I am a winner and a child of God who can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Amen!

If you have read this message today and have not received Jesus Christ yet, don’t wait any longer. Become free of that conviction in your mind! Do not let the devil tell you that you are not good enough or that God will not love you because of what you have done or the life you have lived. Those are lies, Jesus wants to live in your heart and help to replace those hurts you have been having, that gap that you fill. You may be thinking that there is something missing in your life, you have money, cars, a house all the material things of this world and yet you still feel like something is missing. My friend that is the Love of Jesus Christ that your spirit is crying out for! You deserve only the best! God wants to bless you with more than you can handle! It doesn’t matter what religion you are coming from, what crimes you have committed or addictions you may have. The blood of Jesus can wash all of that away from you and make you a wonderful NEW CREATION!

You are just one click away from feeling a love you have never felt before in your entire life, a peace that you have never had before and a relationship you have been missing out on your whole life! Pray the prayer of salvation right now and accept Jesus into your heart. “Prayer of Salvation”

Living Under The Blood - part 1

When we think of the blood of Jesus what is the first thing that comes to mind for most Christians? Is it something we just say to cover ourselves when we are sick, or something that we use to cover our children as we pray over them before the start of every day? Most people even some Christians don't really understand what the Blood of Jesus really means. The death of Jesus did way more for us than most people or Christians even think. What does His death mean to you? For most it means that their sins can be forgiven and they can get a fresh start.

In the Old Testament God would say that blood would have to be put upon the Mercy Seat:

(Leviticus 16:13) "And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, 
and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward;
 and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.".....

(Leviticus 16:16)..."And he shall make an Atonement for the holy place, 
because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, 
and because of their Transgressions in all their Sins 
and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, 
that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness"

What was this a description of? They were sprinkling the blood of goats to atone for their Sins and Transgressions that they had committed against the Lord a midst their uncleanness. We no longer have to do this! I know I have not been sprinkling any blood on the mercy seat in the holy of holies in my church, have you? So then if we do not atone for our sins in the same way as the Old Testament then why would God look at our sins in the same way as the Old Testament? We can’t just pick and choose our way to live according to the bible, God said that in the new testament the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ.

(John 14:6)"Jesus answered, 'I am the way 
and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

So where is our Mercy Seat and what do we do to atone for our sins then? We do not have to atone for our sins anymore! Jesus Christ is the Mercy seat for us!

(Romans 3:25) "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, 
through the shedding of his blood “to be received by faith.
 He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he 
had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished"

Lets look at a few words in Romans 3:25. The first one is atonement, what does that word mean? According to The World English Dictionary it means:

A. satisfaction, reparation, or expiation given for an injury or wrong
 b. the sufferings and death of Christ

Basically it is saying that Christ was given as a sacrifice of satisfaction to God! Jesus Christ's bloodshed was a satisfaction for God's Wrath! Because the sins before Christ had gone unpunished, God was withholding his punishment from us! Look at the word "forbearance" and you will see what I mean.

Forbearance according to means:
1.self-control; patience
2.Law -abstention from or postponement of the enforcement of a legal right,
3.The act of forbearing; a refraining from something.

The word Forbearance alone means a whole lot doesn't it! God had to show self control and patience with us, he refrained from his wrath upon us. Now let’s look at the other part of the definition and see what was really going on. Definition number two says flat out LAW! Abstention from the enforcement of a legal right!! You don't think that according to God's Law we should have all felt his wrath and punishment? Of course we should have, but the bible says it right there plain as day according to Romans 3:25 Jesus Christ's Blood was enough to keep God from punishing us according to his LAW! God can no longer enforce his Law on us because of Christ's sacrifice, that is why we are all still here today, that is why God has not completely wiped us all from the face of the earth! Not because of our own good deeds or what we have done on our own, but because Jesus died for US so that we would not be punished anymore according to God's LAWS.

At the end of the scripture it clearly says that God had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished! Why would he all of a sudden decide to start punishing us now if he left the sins beforehand unpunished? Jesus Christ was all the punishment needed to atone for all our sins! That is what the Good news is all about, the fact that no matter how hard we try to live a good life or how much we try to be perfect we are always going to fall short. He knew that we would not be able to uphold his Laws anymore, so in his final effort to save us from his much deserving wrath, he sent his son Jesus, who had no sin at all to become sin for us so that we could remain in God's love. Jesus became our new Mercy Seat; his blood is what is on the Mercy Seat now that is why he is the only way for us to get to the Father. God also said that he would forget all of our sins and our Lawless acts. If God is willing to forgive and forget our sins when we ask him to because of Jesus’ Bloodshed, then why do we still remind ourselves of our own sins?  Why do we let the Devil tell us we are not worthy or not good enough to receive God’s blessings?  

There is a reason for this thinking and tomorrow I will talk about it more in my next blog. I leave you with this scripture to remind you that God will remember your sins no more, so you don’t have to either:

(2 Corinthians 5:20) God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
 so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
(Hebrews 10:17-18)  “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more."
And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. (emphasis on all scriptures are my own)

Click here for Part 2

Be sure to read my series : The Fear of The Lord